Sunday 28 September 2014

The Journal Continues !

It was a great surprise today looking from  the windy wet day behind us, we woke up into a very quite and beautiful day colored with sun rays  announcing the glory  that comes with  a clear blue sky.And  despite the sub zero temperature of -5 degrees, mountain life was near perfect here.
As usual we began  the day with our breakfast at 9:00 am after which we left for more altitude training, but  this time we were asked  to take all our mountaineering gears with us  from Ice axe to  crampon and the many other tools we came with, but the guide was to deal with the ropes.That said, the enthusiasm grew as we realized the progress and the impact of our earlier preparations.

The journey up with full readiness began.We started slowly  and the guide was curious about how we were feeling , everyone sounded great and ready, so as we proceeded we came across a group of Russian soldiers, and I thought of taking their pictures even though it was forbidden to do so in Russia.That temptation was not long  enough  for me to fall for it, so I found my focus back on the journey upwards.

Interestingly there were a lot of other groups  out there for the same training, so it was looking interesting always.When we got to  the 4500 meters altitude, we started with  the Ice axe  training,but I quickly realized that  the procedure and technique here was quite different from what I already learnt with the Swiss Alpine club Geneva, so that was a wake up call for me , and a confirmation that every  mountain is indeed different.I heard  my heart saying be open man, this is a different terrain and you are here to learn.That was voice of the learner in me , and  I  obeyed without  any doubt.And guess what , it was of great value.

However  I asked  her latter why she was employing this technique  here, so she explained that the main reason is that the mountain is not very steep as we have in Switzerland  and France and that she  has had that kind  of question coming up among steep alps climbers  from mostly France and Switzerland.

We continued with our training up until we got to heights of about 4700m and we had a short break up there before  we made our way down.It was a great experience  especially with the Russian soldiers  around. They proved to be very friendly and quite positive, so once again, i said to myself , what is this thing about the negative views  about Russia. I am still to find anything different  in the way they receive strangers like me  and the way other cultures we call positive do theirs.To be clear I like Russia because  they are a very positive  part of the human race.That I can confirm and thanks to this journey.
Sadly when we got back down, my climbing mate was not feeling well,and could not eat any thing solid for that moment.S he took some Aspirin and got some rest and at Dinner time he was already feeling better so we were all feeling complete in the team   and on the dinner table.
In total our altitude training  for that day was  for about 6 hours the kind weather was not going to last forever, but I feel grateful for this wonderful day and I will not forget to tell you to keep the smile forever because it is worth it and you deserve it .

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